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ANE Global Meet & Expo on Global Warming and Climate Change: Threats and Effects

 Welcome to GLOBALWARMING2025 October 28-30, 2025- Rome, Italy Meet.

The signs of global warming are everywhere, and are more complex than just climbing temperatures. The Swiss Re Institute’s Climate Economics Index stress tests how global warming will affect 48 countries – representing 90% of the world economy – and ranks their climate resilience. ANE Global Meet & Expo on Global Warming and Climate Change aims to bring together leading academic scientists, researchers and research scholars to exchange and share their experiences and research results on all aspects of Global Warming and Climate Change. It also provides a premier interdisciplinary platform for researchers, practitioners and educators to present, discuss threats and effects, your concerns as well as practical challenges encountered and solutions adopted in the fields of Global Warming and Climate Change using our platform.

Call for Contributions:

Prospective authors are kindly encouraged to contribute to and help shape the conference through submissions of their research abstracts, papers and e-posters. Also, high quality research contributions describing original and unpublished results of conceptual, constructive, empirical, experimental, or theoretical work in all areas of Global Warming and Climate Change are cordially invited for presentation at the conference. The conference solicits contributions of abstracts, papers and e-posters.

  • Organizing special sessions with your research team is strongly recommended.
  • Notable speakers value the possibility to organize unique scientific symposiums or workshops.

 Submission Guide:

Submissions must be original and should not have been published previously or be under consideration for publication while being evaluated for this conference.

Drop your Application Forms

The organisers have arranged a series of plenary, keynote, and workshop presentations by prominent members of the global community who will share with us their world-class scientific research and development in the coming event.

 We look forward to hearing your presentation among these inventors in Rome, Italy.


Scientific Committee for GLOBALWARMING2025.

Market Analysis

Efficient Climate Change technology is becoming increasingly more important and it is estimated that the worldwide Geological market will exceed US$ 1.2 billion (EUR 1.05 billion) by 2025. Baler presses will dominate the machinery landscape with a 30% share in the overall equipment and machinery market, according to the report. Analysts anticipate that metal baling will record a compound annual growth rate of 5.7% over 2018-2025, with a target revenue of US$ 390 million by 2025. Meanwhile, the plastic Geological equipment and machinery sector is expected to witness ‘significant gains’ over the coming eight years. This niche market will see a year-on-year growth rate of 6.3% during the 2018-2025 periods, with target revenue of US$ 470 million by 2025. The study points out that an estimated 7.7 billion tonnes of plastic is manufactured across the globe every year; out of which 5.4 billion tonnes is not recycled. Climate Change is a vast subject which has responsibility to spare the biological system and is getting recognised in each country and has unique overall extension. Climate Change is a mixture of few subjects that includes both sociology and science to see various parts of our condition we have to comprehend meteorology, oceanography, space science and topography. Researchers utilise these orders, and utilise logical ways. There are many different parts of ecological science like barometrical science which centre on the Earth’s climate. Another is biology, the examination of how living beings interact with earth and which centres around substance changes in nature, for example, water contamination and soil pollution which is otherwise called ecological science.

Regional Scope

Regional Scope:

North America (United States, Canada and Mexico)

Europe (Germany, UK, France, Italy, Russia and Turkey etc.)

Asia-Pacific (China, Japan, Korea, India, Australia, Indonesia, Thailand, Philippines, Malaysia and Vietnam)

South America (Brazil, Argentina, Columbia etc.)

Middle East and Africa (Saudi Arabia, UAE, Egypt, Nigeria and South Africa)

Honorary Members of the Civil Engineering Editions


Journal Collaboration



Prof. Renata Morbiducci
University of Genoa, Italy
Prof. David Galán-Madruga
National Center for Environment Health Researcher from Carlos III Health Institute, Spain
Chief Editor Prof. Gordon Huang
Executive Director H-index-104
University of Regina
Chief Editor Prof. Mohamed Elbagerma
University of Misurata, Libya
Prof. A.W. Jayawardena
The University of Hong Kong, China

Plenary Speakers

Dr. Robert A. Leishear
Leishear Engineering, LLC
Engineering Consulting and Research
Emeritus Prof. Dai-Yeun Jeong
Director of Asia Climate Change Education Center
Jeju National University in South Korea
Chief Editor Prof. Gordon Huang
Executive Director
University of Regina
Prof. Ruggero Maria Santilli
President and Professor of Physics
The Institute for Basic Research
Chief Editor Prof. Mohamed Elbagerma
University of Misurata

Keynote Speakers

Prof. Ing. Francesco Saverio D Auria
University of Pisa
Prof. Renata Morbiducci
University of Genoa, Italy
Prof. Firas Al Mahmoud
University of Lorraine
Dr. Prof. Zhongsheng Guo
Northwestern A & F University
Institute of Soil and Water Conservation, CAS & MWR
Dr. Govind Singh Bhardwaj
Senior Faculty In-charge Engineering Geology
Maharana Pratap University of Agriculture and Technology

Invited Speakers

Dr. Ana Mapelli
CIMA Research Foundation
Dr. Mahmoud Zedan
International Trainer & Water Treatment Consultant
Mr. Guido Pardo Molina
Autonomous University of Beni José Ballivián
Amazon Forest Research Institute
Prof. Xi LU
School of Environment
Tsinghua University
Dr. Sayan Bhattacharyya
Indian Institute of Science Education and Research Kolkata

  • Rome, Italy

  • Early Bird Ends: February 15, 2025

  • First Round of Abstract Submission: March 15, 2025

About Venue:

Rome is the capital of Italy and the most populous and extensive municipality, ranking among the major European capitals by territory size. Rome, the “Eternal City,” brims with ancient history, from the Colosseum to the port of Ostia Antica to majestic Vatican City and the Sistine Chapel. Because of its history, and beauty and perhaps its gelato and pasta! Rome is one of our most popular cities. Rome is known all over the world for its ancient history and remarkable archaeological sites, for its delicious dishes, its wonderful parks, villas of local noble families, and important landmarks such as the Colosseum, the Roman Forum, Fontana di Trevi, the Spanish Steps, and Piazza Navona.

Places to Visit in Rome

·       St Peters Basilica. The Biggest Church. 

·       Spanish Steps. The Famous 135 Steps. 

·       Roman Forum. A Notable Plaza. 

·       Piazza del Popolo. A Sight to Behold. 

·       Castel Sant Angelo. Gateway to the Roman Past. 

·       Santa Maria Maggiore Rome. Protectress of the Roman People. 

·       Sistine Chapel. A Work of Art. 

·       Capitoline Museums Rome.


Once you submit the abstract, we will get in touch with you in 4-5 business days regarding the status (Accepted/Rejected) of the submission. If you do not hear back from us, please contact at:

For Reference Download Sample Abstract at: Click Here

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Standard Registration Pricing

Academic Registration

  • Represent your Research work as a Speaker
  • Certificate of Attendance by Chair/ Cochair
  • Entry to all sessions & Panel Discussions
  • Conference Materials and Free Wifi
  • Tea/Coffee & Snack, Lunch during the Conference days
Business Registration

  • Represent your Company as a Speaker
  • Certificate of Attendance by Chair/ Cochair
  • Entry to all sessions, Panel Discussions, & BD Sessions
  • Boost credibility with stakeholders for B2B growth
  • Conference Materials and Free Wifi
  • Tea/Coffee & Snack, Lunch during the Conference
Delegate Registration

  • Delegate Opportunity
  • Certificate of Attendance by Chair/ Cochair
  • Entry to all sessions, Panel Discussions, & BD Sessions
  • Boost Credibility for Research and B2B Growth
  • Conference Materials and Free Wifi
  • Tea/Coffee & Snack, Lunch during the Conference
Poster Registration

  • Show off your work in Industry or Academia
  • 3 Best Poster Award
  • Certificate of Attendance by Chair/ Cochair
  • Entry to all sessions, & Panel Discussions
  • Conference Materials and Free Wifi
  • Tea/Coffee & Snack, Lunch during the Conference
YRF Registration

  • Young Researchers Speaker Opportunity
  • 3 Best YRF Award
  • Certificate of Attendance by Chair/ Cochair
  • Entry to all sessions, & Panel Discussions
  • Conference Materials and Free Wifi
  • Tea/Coffee & Snack, Lunch during the Conference

Location & Contact




Meet the expert’s forum provides an opportunity to students, company representatives, start-ups and agencies to interact with experts and decision-makers at GLOBALWARMING2025 to solve the complex research problems and collaborate with them to potential partners.